Pagan Collective Wiki

Sabbats and Festival days of Note (old Community)[]

1.Samhain (Soween/Halloween)

2. Yule/Yuletide/Midwinter

3. Imbolgc/Day of St.Brighid/Brid/Brighid

4. Ostara/Eostre/First day of Spring

5. Beltane/Beltaine/May 1st

6. Lithia/Midsummer

7. Lammas/Lammastide/Lugh's Day

8. Mabon/Fall Equinox

Major Celtic Festivals[]

  1. Samhain
  2. Imbolgc
  3. Beltane
  4. Lammas

12 Nights of Yuletide[]

Back in the early days, Yule was celebrated on the first day of winter. That was it.

Now, due to Nordic Wicca or Norse Wicca, they celebrate 12 nights of yule.

About 12 Nights of Yule
